CultTech Association – Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur durch Technologien
Siebensterngasse, 46/1/44,1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 660 2237730
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ZVR number – 1650213229
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Mahamaya Electronic Devices is a performance that addresses all the main current issues of our lives: society, psychology, science, philosophy, and spirituality. This show, featuring electronic music and computer graphics, centers around a unique text by Ivan Vyrypaev, composed entirely of questions and answers, delivered at a fast pace by four actors, attempting to address them before the audience’s eyes. The performance is both a contemporary entertainment show and a psychological training as well as a spiritual experience. According to many viewers from various countries who have seen the performance, in the end, we receive not only the pleasure of the quality of the show but also a truly valuable life experience. What kind of experience? An experience is an experience because it cannot be described in words. One must come and live it.
The performance is conducted in English.
Director and playwright — Ivan Vyrypaev
Graphic designer — the Full Metal Jacket Team
Composer — Jacek Jędrasik